Technical terms

  • Autochthon: In many publications the expression „autochthon“ is used to describe a regional origin. Because in botany ‚autochthon‘ in the narrower sense is used for species, which have developed in the region, we should use the term ‚regionally indigenous‘ here. Actually only few species have their centre of origin in Central Europe.
  • Regionally indigenous: In general, seeds for propagation are regionally indigenous if they originate from the same area where they will later be used and planted. This definition therefore requires the identification of the affiliated regions (see map).
  • Hay mulch procedure: Harvesting of a mature stock of grassland and scattering of the complete crop over an area intended for landscaping. Also suitable for the enrichment of previous sowings with other species.
  • Origin: Habitat of a population. The term is also applied to the population itself, if it is intended to emphasize it having come from a certain area. Individuals of one habitat can be significantly different in their properties from individuals of other habitats.
  • Area/Region of origin: Designation for a geographical area from which wild species are derived, which is usually differentiated from other areas according to natural criteria.
  • Invasive Species: Newly domesticated species (neophytes), which have undesirable impact on other species, communities or biotopes through mass reproduction, and which can even cause economical problems.
  • Population: A group of individuals of the same species, interconnected through their development process, which form a reproductive community and are found at the same time in the same area.
  • Regional Seeds: Unprotected term which connects seeds with a certain origin or units derived from that origin. A number of producers of seeds and other related groups use this term. The VWW uses the term „Regiosaaten“ in defining its certified products which are subject to fixed rules and regulations.
  • Threshing: Harvesting-method, where a mature meadow is mowed with a combine harvester. The majority of seeds are separated from the grain and are collected. The crop consists of a mixture of the mature seeds from the meadow. Generally the product gets filtered, but a moderate share of stems and leaf residues is characteristic.